Frantoio Tini


Frantoio Tini takes care of your personal information and undertakes to guarantee its confidentiality and security.
We are providing you with the following information to explain you why you are receiving our Newsletter, how we collect your personal data, how we preserve them and what we do to guarantee their confidentiality.
We recommend that you read this policy in full to ensure you are fully informed.
If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact details at the end of the present document.

Data Controller

The Data Controller for the purposes set forth above is:
Frantoio Tini s.a.s. (hereinafter called "Frantoio Tini" o "Controller" o "Data Controller") – contrada Pizzannocca 1 - 64035 - Castilenti (TE) - Italia, C.F. e P. IVA IT - 01039230675, e-mail, PEC, privacy mail address:

Data Processors
Other entities are recipients of the data collected for the purposes above mentioned. They have been appointed as data processors by Frantoio Tini, pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation.
The complete list of Personal Data Processors may be requested at any time to Data Controller.
The personal data collected as above are also processed by the Frantoio Tini’s staff, acting on specific instructions concerning purposes and arrangements of such processing.

1. Data processing legal base and purpose

According to the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) valid from May 25 2018, we hereby inform you that you are receiving our Newsletter because you have been included in a special list, that we use only to send to our contacts news about our projects, activities and events.
In addition, with your consent, your data - including those provided by you at the time of purchasing items - will be used for the delivery by Frantoio Tini newsletters and - on behalf of third parties - other information material and promotional, commercial communications, for the development of direct sales business and opinion polls. Your data -including those provided by you at the time of purchasing items and your shopping habits- will be treated, always with your consent, for the purpose of profiling, in order to enhance your browsing experience on the site and send proposals in line with your interests.

can be part of the list because:
- by accessing our site, you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data and to the sending of the Newsletter. In this case, the processing of your data is based on your express consent.
- You are our customer or our supplier. If you belong to this category, we think that you have the desire to be informed on the latest news concerning us. The processing of your data for the purpose of sending our Newsletter is based on our legitimate interest to promote our activities to all those who have expressed their interest in our work.
- at fairs or events you have given us your business card, showing interest in our business. If you belong to this category, we think that you have the desire to stay up to date on the latest news concerning us. The processing of your data for sending our Newsletter is based on our legitimate interest to promote our activities to all those who have expressly shown their interest in our work.
- you are a journalist or a publicist and you contact us for information or press releases about our business If you belong to this category, we believe that you have the desire to stay up to date on the latest news concerning us. The processing of your data for sending our Newsletter is based on our legitimate interest to promote our activities to all those who have expressly shown their interest in our work.
In any case, if you no longer wish to receive our communications, you can always revoke your consent or ask to be removed from our Newsletter list, as recognized by art. 21 of the GDPR.

2. Login details

In order to subscribe to our Newsletter you only need to provide us your email address, which is the only personal data that we process, unless you wish to provide us with other information (such as your first name, last name, city of residence). This would enable us to personalize our email.

3. Data collection and treatment based on consent

It’s possible to start receiving our Newsletter by accepting the service, pressing the opt-in button in our website or in our email sent to you.
The Newsletter registrations are recorded in order to verify that the registration process is in accordance with the legal requirements. This includes storing the confirmation time and the IP address.
The changes of your data are also recorded.
We collect your personal information in our server, and we use them only to send you our emails.
If you are our customer or our supplier, if you have shown interest in our business by sending us requests for information or by giving us your contact details, we may use the data you provided to insert you in our list that includes the people who, we believe, may appreciate to receive our Newsletters and our invitations.
Since this type of processing does not require your express consent, we have carefully considered that our legitimate interest (related to the purpose of promoting our business) is always balanced and does not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.
For this reason we only include in the lists of recipients of the Newsletters those people who have expressed interest in our business or who have commercial or professional relationships with us. And for this reason we have decided that, as soon as you are included in the list, we will send you an email to give you news and to allow you, if you do not agree to receive our Newsletter, to deactivate the service simply and quickly for example by clicking a button in our email.
We would like to inform you that we use other qualified companies services to send our Newsletters.
The email services provided by these companies, the statistical surveys and analyses are performed and the registration procedure is recorded based on our legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6, Paragraph 1, Letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Our interests focus on the use of a user-friendly and secure Newsletter system that serves our business expectations.

4. Statistical surveys and analyses

Our emails coud contain a “web beacon”, i.e. a pixel file that is retrieved from the server whenever you open our emails.
This means that, when you receive our email, technical information, such as information on the browser and your system as well as your IP address and the time of retrieval will be retrieved.
This information is only used to make technical improvements to services and may be assigned to individual Newsletter recipients for technical reasons only.
The statistical survey permits us to know whether the Newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked on.
This kind of information helps us to adapt our Newsletter’s contents and to send you emails interesting to you.

5. Termination and Revocation of data processing consent

You may withdraw your consent or opt-out of receiving our Newsletter at any time. This means you also no longer consent to the distribution of this Newsletter and the statistical analyses. It is not possible to cancel the distribution via MailChimp and the statistical evaluation separately.
You can find a link to unsubscribe to the Newsletter at the end of each email sent to you or in our websites.
If your data has been collected because you are our client or supplier, in case of your opt-out from the Newsletter sending service you will have no repercussions on our relationships and we will continue to process your data for the purposes deriving from the execution of the contract or from the fulfillment of the legal obligations.
If, on the other hand, you have provided us with your information during an event or a fair, or you are a journalist who requested information or material relating to our projects or our activity, we would like to inform you that your opt-out from the Newsletter sending service will determine only your deletion from the lists of recipients of our Newsletters and not your automatic deletion from the list of our contacts, which we retain based on our legitimate interest to keep contacts potentially useful for the development and promotion of our activities and our projects. If you stay on our list, which is treated only by the staff of Frantoio Tini, we could tomorrow contact you for any projects, job opportunities or anything else. If you do not agree with this further processing, you are free to communicate your request to be deleted from our contact lists at any time by sending an email to

6. Your rights under GDPR

We inform you that at any time you can exercise your right to opt out and to obtain from us, where appropriate, access to your personal data as well as rectification or erasure of such data or the restriction of the processing concerning you, and to object to the processing (pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation). Please contact to lodge all requests to exercise these rights.

7. Right to lodge a complaint

If you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante pursuant to Article 77 of the Regulation, or else to bring a judicial proceeding against us pursuant to Article 79 of GDPR.

See the Privacy Policy on the website for all other information in order to protect your rights.

Information zur Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 § 1 ODR-VO (Online-Streibeilegungs-Verordnung):

Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie hier finden: ( Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, diese Plattform für die Beilegung von Streitigkeiten über online getätigte Käufe oder abgeschlossene Dienstleistungsverträge zu nutzen.

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